Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Thinking About the Future of the Channel

Hello heroes. Pogiforce here. I thought I'd pick today to speak candidly about the channel that I run on Youtube, and where we as a community would like it to go.

Firstly, if you somehow happened upon the blog first, hello, welcome! Stay a while, make yourself at home. And don't forget to check out the Youtube channel Pogiforce Plays, because that's what today's blog is about.

I began this channel as a way to speak about my passions in gaming, and to bring people together as a community for a common good. My inspiration came mostly from big Youtube gamers like Markiplier, Jack Septiceye and the like. Those guys are my heroes, and I aspire to be like them. These are people who take something that they are passionate about, build a community around it, and use that community to do some very positive things in the world. I really admire that about them, and it's something I aspire to do also. I want a channel that can grow and build a community, to bring people together and use that community to do some real good in the world. And to do that I need your help.

The last week the channel has been hemorrhaging subscribers. I'm not sure why. Maybe it's my voice, maybe it's my personality, or my lack of a webcam or creative editing. I'm not sure, and I'll do my best to address all those things and work harder to produce high quality and entertaining content for you guys moving forward. But I also think part of the problem may be how stale and repetitive the content has become. The channel currently features three or four ongoing let's plays, which barely receive any views each week. Most of these are older games that have been out for some time now, so I imagine people aren't as excited to see those games in action. I think also doing only one episode a week of a new game makes you wait too long for more content, and so the enthusiasm is gone by the time the next episode or two have been released. This also affects me as a content creator, and I think it's probably noticeable that in Episode 28 of Xenoblade Chronicles X I don't have nearly as much enthusiasm for the game as I did in Episodes one, two and three. Just as an example. While I hate ending a let's play without completing the game, because I know people don't like that, I also don't think that I can continue a let's play that I no longer am having fun with, and I don't want to pester people with videos they don't want to watch either.

So what I want to do is suspend the Let's Plays for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and Pokken Tournament. Neither of those Let's Plays really get any views, so I know there isn't much interest in them, and I've also lost interest in the games themselves, so the passion just isn't there. There is no sense making videos people won't watch, that will just make them unsubscribe because it keeps popping up in their inbox. Instead I would like to record newer games, and record them more often. I also want to try to do a monthly stream where I play a game for a few hours at once, and collect donations which can be used to purchase better equipment for the channel, and hopefully, eventually, begin a charity donation for a cause we can all rally around.  And this is where I'll need your help.

My spending budget for new games and equipment is very tight. Which games do you want to see? Which games do you want to see more of? Would you like more news commentary? Because I can only buy new games so often, I don't want to buy a game that ends up being something the channel isn't interested in, or is too old to be relevant. I know we can come together and have fun, and do some real good at the same time. So please, let me know what you think in the comments below, and recommend any new games that you think would be great to have on the channel. I really look forward to hearing from you. And as always Heroes, I'm Pogiforce, and stay awesome.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Pokemon 20th Anniversary: Manaphy!

What's up heroes? It's June, and with the new month comes a new mythical pokemon giveaway! In thise case, it's also my birthday, with June 6th being the special day. With the mythical pokemon being released each month, I've started to view them as a sort of Pokemon Zodiac. So that makes this month's pokemon, Manaphy, my Zodiac Pokemon!

Manaphy is the Seafaring Pokemon. It's ability is Hydration. While not a terribly unique ability, with just over twenty different species of pokemon sharing the ability with Manaphy, it is an incredibly useful ability that heals the Pokemon of all status conditions in the rain. Like many other Mythical Pokemon that came before it, Manaphy has a base 100 stat in all six of it's stats. So you may be asking yourself: What about this Mythical Pokemon makes it so special?

To begin with, Manaphy's original distribution was very unusual, and hasn't been replicated by any other pokemon since. To obtain a Manaphy, first you must have owned Pokemon Ranger. This was a non-main series game for the Nintendo DS. You had to complete the game, then complete a special post-game mission to save an egg. And not just any egg. This is Manaphy's egg. It even had a custom egg sprite and art.

Once this egg was saved, you could transfer it from your Pokemon Ranger game to your Pokemon Diamond or Pokemon Pearl game. From there, you had to hatch the egg to get Manaphy.

Another thing that makes Manaphy so special is the fact that it can learn Tail Glow. This is a very useful, and extremely rare move. It is a bug type move, that when used raises the user's Special Attack by THREE stages! That's a huge boost! Only one other pokemon could learn this move, and that was Volbeat. It also had it's own unique attack, called Heart Swap. It swaps status changes with it's target. That means in a double battle, you can Tail Glow to boost your special attack through the roof, then Heart Swap with your partner to grant them those huge special attack gains!

But to continue with this theme of breeding that Manaphy seems to have, Manaphy is also the only Legendary Pokemon, Mythical or otherwise, that can breed. It requires a Ditto, but if you breed Manaphy you will get an egg. However, this egg gives you an entirely different Pokemon: Phione!

Phione is the Sea Drifter Pokemon. While very similar to Manaphy both in it's look and it's movepool, it lacks the ability to learn Tail Glow and Heart Swap, and all of it's base stats are 80 instead of 100. Functionally speaking, it's basically an inferior Manaphy. Like it's... a phony.

You know, in a way it's like Manaphy and Phione are two sides to the same Mythical coin. Like a Gemini, the real world Zodiac sign that represents the month of June. At any rate, I know I'm excited to get my Manaphy this month, and I hope you are too! Be sure to pick yours up before it's too late. And as always heroes, I'm Pogiforce, and we'll see you later! Take care!

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Pokemon 20th Anniversary: Darkrai is Evil?!

It's another month, and with it comes another Mythical Pokemon to collect. The Pokemon for the month of May is Darkrai, the Pitch-Black Pokemon! There's a lot going on with this guy, so let's start with his stats.

Darkrai is a fourth generation Mythical Pokemon from Sinnoh. He is a Dark type, who resides on New Moon Island. Darkrai's power comes in his ability to put people and Pokemon to sleep, where he causes them to experience unbearable nightmares.  Unlike all the Mythical Pokemon so far this year, Dakrai does not have base 100 across all his stats. Instead, he has a 70 in HP, a 135 in Special Attack, a 125 in Speed, and a 90 in everything else. While most of his pokedex data claims that he means no real harm, I'm not so convinced. In fact I'm certain that Darkrai may be one of the most evil Pokemon to exist! Let's break it down and I'll show you why.

First, we need to take a look at his activities in the games, and what we know about him in that medium. In Pokemon Diamond and Pearl, there is a boy in Canalave City who appears to be in a coma, suffering from horrible nightmares. No matter what his parents do, he won't wake up. If you try to interact with the boy, he thrashes about in his sleep while muttering something along the lines of "DARK... is" His mother will worry over him, remarking how "We never thought our boy would fall into this endless nightmare."

As it turns out there is a way to wake him, and it involves encountering Cresselia on Full Moon Island. Once you've encountered Cresselia, the Lunar Pokemon and the only Pokemon who can stop Darkrai's nigthmares, you will find an item called the Lunar Wing. As it turns out, this is the ONLY item that can wake a person who is trapped in nightmares by Darkrai. If used on the boy, he will finally awaken.

There is also a special event item called the membership key, which allows you to get into the Harbor Inn in the North East corner of Canalave City, where you will find Darkrai waiting.

So Darkrai targeted a child. That's harsh enough, but after putting the child asleep, he haunts the child's nightmares, staying nearby, and forcing him to remain asleep. It's possible that without the help of the player, the child could have remained asleep forever. In fact, that has happened in a different Pokemon game.

In Pokemon Black 2 and White 2, there is this place called the Strange House just outside Lentimas Town. As it turns out it's a haunted house, with ruined furniture that moves around on its own. As you wander the house, you encounter the spirit of a little girl, who has some very interesting things to say.

An everlasting dark dream. Sounds familiar, doesn't it? But there's even more damning evidence than that. As you continue through the house, you encounter the spirit again, and she speaks of hearing her father's voice in the dream. saying...

Why would her 'father' tell her to stay, and forget the Lunar Wing? Because the Lunar Wing is the only item that can wake a child from the nightmares caused by Darkrai. This was a child who fell into Darkrai's nightmares, and never woke up. This is probably the first and only known case of a person dying because of a Pokemon.

You know, there is one last thing we haven't mentioned about Darkrai. He has a unique attack known as Dark Void. It's a 100% accuracy move that puts the opposing pokemon to sleep. Once they are asleep, Dakrai's ability Bad Dreams actually causes physical harm to the opposing pokemon through violent nightmares.

So let's recap. We have a Pokemon who tends to target children, putting them into an endless slumber. While they are asleep, he causes them violent nightmares, which can do actual physical harm to their bodies. Who does that sound like?

Freddy Kreuger perhaps?

They have a lot of similarities. Both of them target children. Both of them cause horrible nightmares to their victims. Both of them do actual physical harm to those who are trapped in those nightmares. Darkrai is Pokemon's Freddy Kreuger.

And that's just talking about Darkrai in the video games. If you look at him in the anime, he actually has legs. Very long, spindly legs.

He kind of almost looks like Slender Man here. Another white faced, black suited long limbed nightmare creature who preys on children.

So that's Darkrai. if you'd like to obtain this nightmare creature for yourself, be sure to stop by Gamestop  and pick up your code card before May 24th. You'll have til August to redeem it, but quantities are limited and there's less than a week left, so go pick up yours now! And until next time: sweet dreams. >:3

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Destiny's April Teasers: Week 1

Last week, Bungie announced that there would be teasers for an upcoming update on April 12, with new information being shared each week on Wednesday. Well guess what. Today is wednesday. So let's take a look at what they have to show and develop some first impressions.

Check out the twitch stream here.

So let's first break down what's new in this video. With the April update, light levels can now go all the way to 335. There is a new Taken strike where you take on Malok, with the footage seeming to suggest it's on the moon. The old strike Winter's Run has been updated to Heroic levels, and can appear in the Heroic Strike list as a Taken variant. Most importantly, there is going to be a huge update to Prison of Elders.

Prison of Elders will have a light 260 mode that plays as the old Prison of Elders did. No treasure key is required to access the chests at the end of the activity. This version of Prison of Elders can drop new loot with light levels up to 320. It can be played as many times as you want, and it's matchmade. It has a 1 per week Sterling Treasure, which was left unexplained this week.

There is also a special 320 light challenge mode to Prison of Elders. This one has an emblem you must purchase from Variks. It tracks player score based on the weekly modifier. In their example, score is based on precision kills. There is no treasure room in this mode, instead earning rewards based on your score. There is personal cumulative score and team score. The first tier of rewards from this system will reward a new weapon, which can go all the way to the new light cap of 335. the second tier of rewards will be an armor piece that can go all the way to 335. The emblem is only valid for the week, and the modifiers change each week. There are also new weekly bounties that tie into this new challenge mode. The challenge mode is timed, and if you don't finish the round quickly enough you lose points.

So I want to share my first impressions. Looking at this new Prison of Elders Challenge Mode, it seems an awful lot like Trials of Osiris. Except where Trials is for Player vs Player combat, the Challenge Mode is PvE. This is actually something I really like, as I always felt that Destiny had put way too much emphasis on the PvP aspects of the game while leaving PvE to stagnate. You can even find a video on my channel about how I would not do any more Destiny videos until the content drought was resolved. Looks like I might start doing Armsday videos again next month!

It's also good that these new activities can reward end game loot. even if you don't like the loot itself, it means that you're going to have plenty of high light level gear to infuse into the things you actually want to use.  It's a team based activity too, which is always good. In a way, it's like the next level of Nightfall given it's weekly nature. They also promised a large variety of enemies to fight, so it shouldn't get stale too quickly. It's also a 3 man activity, which means not having to try to dig up 6 people like you have to do for the raid.

Of course, it all looks good in theory, but we'll have to see in person just how often the rewards drop, and how often they'll drop at this newly coveted 335 light. There has been plenty of times in the past where Bungie has promised good rewards, only for players to grind for days to receive nothing. All the same, I'm cautiously optimistic. I can't wait to see what Bungie has to show us next week.

Until then heroes, stay awesome!

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Much Ado About Mew

Looking back, it's hard to believe it's been a whole twenty years since Pokemon first appeared on the Game Boy. I remember adventuring through the Kanto region as a little boy, just me and my Bulbasaur and the 151 Pokemon to be discovered.

What's that? There were only 150 you say? While it is true the 151st Pokemon was quite the mystery back then, Mew really did exist.

So to celebrate the 20 years of Pokemon, let's talk about Mew for a moment. Mew's Pokedex data lists it as number 151 in the National Pokedex. It's height is 1'04" tall, and it weighs a mere 8.8 pounds. It doesn't sounds all that impressive, but Mew was not only the first Mythic Pokemon, a Pokemon that cannot be obtained from any in game means (Aside from the above video) But also the first Pokemon to boast an impressive stat spread of 100 in every single stat. This would turn out to be a standard for mythic Pokemon of the future, as every generation to follow has had a Mythic Pokemon with a base 100 in every stat, except for generation 6.

Mew's legacy goes beyond just that. Back before 'internet for everyone' was a thing, there were whispers of a secret, 151st Pokemon that could not be obtained through regular means. It was the great Mew, the predecessor to Mewtwo.  People remembered the journals from the Cinnabar Mansion, speaking of Mewtwo's birth from Mew. And while there were many rumored Pokemon to exist back in the dark ages of the internet (Mewthree anyone?) Mew was one that was real. What wasn't real was the rumored way to obtain it.

Everyone remembers the strange truck near Vermilion City. Everyone thought that was how you got Mew. It's a truck after all, and where else in the game did you see one of those? It was unique! It was difficult to get to, and if you didn't go through the S.S. Anne the right way you lost your chance forever of seeing this elusive vehicle. The story was if you used strength and pushed the truck aside, Mew would be hiding underneath. Why is Mew hiding under a truck? Well why is there a truck out on a dock you can only reach by surfing? At any rate, the rumors turned out to be false, and players spent countless hours fruitlessly trying to push the truck, wondering why it wouldn't budge.

All the same, early Pokemon fans were fascinated with this rumored Pokemon. Mew was one of the first pokemon to be seen by viewers in the original Anime opening theme, falling second only to Mewtwo. That may have been why back in 1998, when Nintendo released the first in a legacy that was the Pokemon movie franchise, Pokemon the 1st Movie has the subtitle: Mewtwo vs Mew.

Mew in fact turned out to be the hero of the movie, and we got to see the anime's telling of how Mewtwo came to be from Mew. While it wasn't the 'birth' described in the video game, it was no less full of trauma and violence. Incidentally, Mew would be the first and as far as I know the only legendary pokemon in the movies to speak regular pokemon language and not english. usually Meowth from Team Rocket would be nearby to translate.

Mew is also one of a few Legendary Pokemon to feature in multiple movies. Mew was the co-star with the Regi golems and Lucario in the 8th Pokemon movie, Lucario and the Mystery of Mew. As before, Mew did not speak English in this movie. Mew did however transform. And I mean a lot. This was the first time we got to see Mew use Transform in the anime. Transform is one of Mew's unique moves, sharing it with only one other Pokemon: Ditto.

Incidentally, Ditto actually shares a lot in common with Mew. Both Pokemon weight 8.8 pounds. They have a similar color scheme both in regular and shiny colors. Ditto is 1 foot tall, very close to Mew's 1'04", and Ditto is the only other pokemon capable of using Transform. Ditto, like Mew, also has the same base stat across all stats, except in Ditto's case it's 50 across all stats instead of 100. This has lead to some interesting theories regarding Ditto. In Pokemon Red and Blue, Ditto can be found in Cerulean Cave, which is Mewtwo's hiding spot. In Yellow version, the ONLY places where you can locate Ditto would be the Pokemon Mansion in Cinnabar Island, where Mewtwo was cloned from Mew, and again in Cerulean Cave. It would be strange to assume that the scientists who cloned Mewtwo from Mew got it right on the first try, and so many Pokemon fans theorize that Dittos may actually be failed clones of Mew. While this theory hasn't been confirmed, it would explain a lot about Ditto as a species.

Let's also talk about Mew's appearance in the 10th anniversary Pokemon special,  the Mastermind of Mirage Pokemon. Once again it's Mew who comes to save the day, but this isn't even a real Mew. This Mew is an illusion, known as Mirage Mew. And that to me is a great little easter egg for those who have been paying attention. You see, while there weren't many ways to get Mew in the old games, he was still there. He even had a Pokedex entry in the original Red and Blue games. "So rare that it is still said to be a mirage by many experts. Only a few people have seen it worldwide." A mirage. Mirage Mew. Pretty amazing stuff.

And Mew was in fact pretty rare, even when they started to do special give aways of the Pokemon. Mew is one of the rarer Giveaways from Game Freak, where aside from this 20th anniversary event, Mew hasn't seen a distribution since 2010. At least in the states, don't get me started on how Japan gets triple the number of event pokemon than any other region (so jelly). The only way I knew how to get a Mew back in the day was to go through the painstaking process of depositing 999 Pokemon into the Pokemon Ranch on my Wii. Only then would Haley trade me a Mew. I literally traded her an unhatched egg for it, it was weird.

So that's it for Mew! What memories and experiences can you share about this OG of Mythical Pokemon? Let me know what you think, and be sure to stick around and check out my Youtube channel, where very soon we'll be talking about the Mythical Pokemon for this month, the Doctor Who of Pokemon himself, Celebi!

Friday, February 26, 2016

Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon Announced!

What a day for Pokemon! Today, Nintendo had a special Nintendo Direct with big news about the Pokemon world. Let's take a look.

It's now official: Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon will be the next Generation of Pokemon games! The release date is set to be sometime in the Holidays of this year, 2016. The exact details of the game are still hidden, but there are some shots of vehicles in there, which seems to be promising of new forms of transportation and interactions with Pokemon in the coming generation.

In other news from the Pokemon Direct, Pokemon Red, Blue and Yellow will be available for digital download starting tomorrow. That's nothing new, we already knew that Pokemon Red Blue and Yellow were coming to the 3DS. What we didn't know is that the digital versions of Pokemon Red, Blue and Yellow will actually be able to work with Pokemon Bank. That means that any Pokemon you catch in your new generation 1 games can be transferred to the newer games and continue with you on your grand adventures in Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire, X, Y, and now Sun and Moon!

This news actually took me completely by surprise. I never expected that Pokemon from Red, Blue and Yellow would be available to the newer generations. Pokemon in Red, Blue and Yellow had 5 stats instead of six as Special Defense and Special Attack were combined into one stat known simply as Special. The Individual Values for Pokemon in the first generation only went up to 15 instead of 31 as well. So I'm going to be curious to see how the pokemon make the jump.

Now all we're waiting for is a release date for Pokemon GO. Let's do it!

Thursday, February 25, 2016


Hello Everyone! My name is Pogiforce, and welcome to my blog! I run a Youtube channel about video games, including Let's Plays, news, impressions and top tens. My channel is still very young, but we have high hopes and noble dreams, so I think we can really become a thriving community!

If you'd like to check out my channel, click here! Pogiforce Plays

Aside from video game news, I'll post lengthy status updates here, as well as text versions of vlog style videos from Youtube. I may also make blog posts from my perspective about other things such as current events and politics, though gaming is our focus.

In the coming days as I redesign the look of my youtube channel, it is my hope that I will be able to apply what I know of HTML and CSS to edit this Blog to reflect that. In the meantime, welcome aboard, and I hope you'll stick along for the wild ride to come!