Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Destiny's April Teasers: Week 1

Last week, Bungie announced that there would be teasers for an upcoming update on April 12, with new information being shared each week on Wednesday. Well guess what. Today is wednesday. So let's take a look at what they have to show and develop some first impressions.

Check out the twitch stream here.

So let's first break down what's new in this video. With the April update, light levels can now go all the way to 335. There is a new Taken strike where you take on Malok, with the footage seeming to suggest it's on the moon. The old strike Winter's Run has been updated to Heroic levels, and can appear in the Heroic Strike list as a Taken variant. Most importantly, there is going to be a huge update to Prison of Elders.

Prison of Elders will have a light 260 mode that plays as the old Prison of Elders did. No treasure key is required to access the chests at the end of the activity. This version of Prison of Elders can drop new loot with light levels up to 320. It can be played as many times as you want, and it's matchmade. It has a 1 per week Sterling Treasure, which was left unexplained this week.

There is also a special 320 light challenge mode to Prison of Elders. This one has an emblem you must purchase from Variks. It tracks player score based on the weekly modifier. In their example, score is based on precision kills. There is no treasure room in this mode, instead earning rewards based on your score. There is personal cumulative score and team score. The first tier of rewards from this system will reward a new weapon, which can go all the way to the new light cap of 335. the second tier of rewards will be an armor piece that can go all the way to 335. The emblem is only valid for the week, and the modifiers change each week. There are also new weekly bounties that tie into this new challenge mode. The challenge mode is timed, and if you don't finish the round quickly enough you lose points.

So I want to share my first impressions. Looking at this new Prison of Elders Challenge Mode, it seems an awful lot like Trials of Osiris. Except where Trials is for Player vs Player combat, the Challenge Mode is PvE. This is actually something I really like, as I always felt that Destiny had put way too much emphasis on the PvP aspects of the game while leaving PvE to stagnate. You can even find a video on my channel about how I would not do any more Destiny videos until the content drought was resolved. Looks like I might start doing Armsday videos again next month!

It's also good that these new activities can reward end game loot. even if you don't like the loot itself, it means that you're going to have plenty of high light level gear to infuse into the things you actually want to use.  It's a team based activity too, which is always good. In a way, it's like the next level of Nightfall given it's weekly nature. They also promised a large variety of enemies to fight, so it shouldn't get stale too quickly. It's also a 3 man activity, which means not having to try to dig up 6 people like you have to do for the raid.

Of course, it all looks good in theory, but we'll have to see in person just how often the rewards drop, and how often they'll drop at this newly coveted 335 light. There has been plenty of times in the past where Bungie has promised good rewards, only for players to grind for days to receive nothing. All the same, I'm cautiously optimistic. I can't wait to see what Bungie has to show us next week.

Until then heroes, stay awesome!

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